Mission Possible

Common Ground Outreach (CGO) was founded in 2014 as an outgrowth of a lifetime of experience looking for answers to life’s most meaningful questions. Founded by Gib Pellet, lifelong soul seeker and social justice advocate, he and a committed group of volunteers search for meaning and justice and have multiple points of entry into conversations taking place everywhere in society. Having begun as one person’s mission, CGO is now a large network of people, in different cities, offering resources, o...
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Thoughts from the “Friendly Philosophers”

May 6th, 2016 Last night we welcomed more new members and the conversations were great. One member courageously shared his journey in remaking himself philosophically and got great feedback and engagement from the other folks, all who were pretty awed by the effectiveness of our group in bringing the questions of existence and meaning to the table. It feels like a great honor to think this humble idea of gathering to talk and to allow great minds and hearts to connect, can result in a sharing...
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