How You Can Help

Provide Financial Support

Click the “Donate” button to give financial support today.



Volunteer Your Time/Skills

Click on the tabs above for more information on these ways to volunteer:

  • Be a Prison Outreach Volunteer and write letters with incarcerated individuals
  • Assemble and mail care packages to incarcerated individuals
  • Provide pro-bono legal assistance for those incarcerated
  • Host a Philosophy Group
  • Help get new programs up and running


The Founder and Executive Director of CGO, Gib Pellet, has been leading our efforts for two years as a volunteer and is ready to move the organization to the next level. If you have talents or financial resources you’d like to contribute to the Mission of Common Ground Outreach, either contact us or donate on our website. Together we want to change the world. Your skills and resources are vital to the future of Common Ground Outreach. If you can help financially use one of the Donate tabs on any website page and if you’d like to volunteer your time and talents contact Gib by phone or e-mail, or visit the contact page of this website.